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This Clinically-proven mineral powder for Dogs Cats Rabbits Guinea Pigs and other small furries (geological nanomaterial) that when given orally in small amounts 2-4 times daily has been shown to control diarrhoea that has been unresponsive to conventional treatments. It is natural - heat sterilized clay of the Bentonite mineral category. Recommended use : One scoop or 1/8 tspn per 5kgs in weight four times daily with food or liquid and syringed. For long term maintenance and control of chronic diarrhoea once the stools have responded to the administration of the powder which may take between 24 and 96 hours give 1 scoop twice daily. In some rare cases the doseage may need to be slightly higher to improve product efficiency and your pet will not risk any adverse affects from this.

-To support Acute Diarrhoea caused from Infection - Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea - Bacterial - Toxicosis - Chemotherapy - Inflammatory bowel disease - Giardiasis - Colitis - Aflatoxicosis - Leaky Gut Syndrome.
-For Dogs Cats Rabbits Guinea pigs and other small furries.
-Can be used safely for long or short term use to support conditions.

Single Unit Spec
Product Barcode N/A
Product Details 6.6 x 5.6 x 5.6 cm
Product Weight 118 g
Product Colour N/A
Case Spec
Brand Broad Reach Nature Plus
In our pet’s lives things can happen, joint or hip problems, internal disorders , environmental issues outside of our control, recovering from an injury or operation, illnesses, allergies etc. This was why over the years I have had a very good relationship with Vets and Associated Professionals and it is through these contacts that I now have a range of what I believe is one of the best selections of Natural Pet Supplements (nutraceuticals) on the market. These products are not only Vet Approved but have actually been developed by or in conjunction with Vets. These products have been used in Vets across the UK for the last few years but only used in VETS and nowhere else.

This Brand of Pet Supplements called Broadreach Nature + are now available to the retail market for the first time. These are some of the most effective, potent formulas available for dogs and cats, already used in the Veterinary Sector and I am very excited to be able to offer them to you.

Shipping Terms:

UK Mainland

- MOQ: £75.00 excluding VAT
- Shipping Cost: £5.99
-Free Shipping Over: £150+VAT
- Lead time: 2-3 days

UK Non-Mainland

- Available on quote, please contact PetDreamHouse for details